DIY 102

THIS is my second project. I'd been looking around for a TV stand that was "unique", white hi-gloss and functional. So I did what I do, search the www for something suitable. After having seen pricing for TV stands most of which were FUGLY I decided on another DIY project. So I found myself once AGAIN searching through other peoples shite and I found this on EvilBay for less than £70 but in my stupidity I didn't factor in the collection costs (blondish moment). So I ended up driving 1000 miles to collect it, but it was all worth it (false economy). I also learnt something new on collection, most of the furniture from the 1970's is not solid wood, this great discovery was made when I happily told the seller that I planned to sand it down and repaint and he gently broke the news to me! I learn something new everyday! That didn't stop me from sanding it though, so I did my THANG and voila I LOVES IT!!!


  1. This is fab Charmz - but how on earth did u manage to change the side that the metal struts were on??!!
    More DIY pics please!!!

  2. I actually don't have a friggen clue!! PMSL!!

  3. Very good - I am impressed - WOW!!!

  4. Very impressed!!! I love it! PLEASE add the followers widget so i can follow your blog... i keep losing you :)
