You are always on my mind!!

SOUF AFICA is always on my mind especially now as the countdown has begun!! 24 days to go and in between I've had loads of nice lil distractions! Its my birthday in a few days time! I can't wait to bask in the glory of being 21! Its amazing! I'm going to spend my 21st baking, cooking, eating and doing sweet FA (Fuck All), just the perfect day to spend MY birthday! I will post pix!
I've also managed to FINALLY complete the new layout of my lounge, I hope to put up BEFORE and DURING pix and to one day, not in the too distant future, to put up AFTER pix, then I will start my next project/s! Project list so far:
1. My Bedroom - That John Reeves bed has my name all over it!
2. Bo's bedroom
3. Mo's bedroom
4. Kitchen
5. Renovations - I hope to build a sun room extension!


  1. you have a busy schedule ahead of you. Which company are you using for your sunroom. If i am right i remember you asking about glassbox.

    i am envious you are going home?

  2. I am trying to keep busy! You have such a good memory Mel, it is Glassbox that I have been looking at, but they are based in London (I think), will do my research and see if I can find someone in the midlands.

    I CAN'T WAIT TO GO, 20 DAYS AND COUNTING! Watch out for all the blogs about South African cuisine!

  3. Charmz- Glassbox is actually here in Peterborough. i have an appointment with them this Wednesday for a quote and to see the actual finished product. They seem to to dear though will have to find out what they can offer in this current economic situation. will keep you posted.

    Happy birthday.

  4. you can no more shake the African dust from your boots than change the very DNA in your blood! S'Afrika is always home, is unique and is beautiful - it's people included. God bless Africa and may it develop positively in the future xxx
    Looking fwd to your visit ;-)
