Happy Mothers Day - UK

The majority of the world celebrates Mothers Day celebrates Mothers Day on the 2nd Sunday in May, so to all the UK mummy's HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!

Now one would think I would not lift a finger on MY special day of rest and pampering, y'all obviously don't live in MY world! The life of a single mummy! I was expecting the usual grunts from my 14 year old, why do they think conversing is no longer necessary because they are hormonal?? Anywhoo my hormonal teen made me a card which read "To My Mother, if someone said to me your mom is the best I would be like "Yah Daym Skippey, Love B'One"" I was/am touched BLESS!! (btw if anyone can translate it would be much appreciated, lololol)) I must admit I would have been seriously pissed off if he'd just done the usual grunting! Mo "bought" mummy some cheapo smellies, notebook and a book marker, can't believe the school managed to buy all that with MY £3!!! I HEART ALL MY GIFTS!!

I digress, this singly mummy attempted baking on Mothers Day BIG MISTAKE!! WHAT A FRIGGEN DISASTER!!!!!! Check out my Mothers Day Disasters in the upcoming posts!!

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