Orange Crunch Biscuits

Now this recipe I found in a Children's Cookbook and both Mohapi (Mo) and I enjoyed making these together!! These tangy biscuits just melt in your mouth (so the recipe says, I beg to differ!) Mo liked them I thought they were aiight!! They can be served with icing for a tasty treat or plain for a simple homemade biscuit. Ok Ok let me cut the crap, these biscuits will not be made again, they are not awful but they are also lacking that WOW Factor! If they were last years contestant on X-Factor they would have been the blonde haired boy who was dubbed Eggnogg by Griffo on BE! Just Mediocre, LOL But HEY, YOU might like them!

Ingredients for 20/24 Biscuits

125g Self Raising Flour

60g Unsalted Butter

60g Soft Dark Brown Sugar

1/2 Egg Yolk

1 tbsp of Clear Runny Honey

1 tsp of Orange Zest

For the Icing

225g Icing Sugar

3 tbsp of Fresh Orange Juice

Heat Oven at 180degrees C (350 F/Gas 4)

Using a table knife, stir the sugar, orange zest, honey and egg into the flour and butter, until the mixture starts to come together in lumps.

Use your hands to bring the lumps together to form a ball of dough.

Briefly knead the dough and then lightly flour the work surface.

Roll the dough into a log, about 5cm in diameter and 10cm long. Wrap the log in cling film and shill it for 1 1/2 hours or until firm.

Grease baking sheets.

Slice the log int 20 - 24 discs and place the biscuits on the baking sheet.

Bake for 7 - 9 minutes


Beat the icing sugar and orange juice until they form a smooth paste. Put the icing in a piping bag and then drizzle it over the cool biscuits in some funky patterns!

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