Strawberries and Cream Meringue Cake

Something about the title of this recipe makes you think YUMMYLICIOUS!! Hhhhhmmmm well don't be fooled because whichever Fat Chef thought this one up is on crack or has funky tastebuds!!! I enjoyed the strawberries CHECK! I enjoyed the meringue CHECK! The pistachio sponge just doesn't work for me! Maybe you should try it out and see if YOU like it, I wont be making this again! Maybe I didn't bake it for long enough! I had such high hopes for this to be served at one of my summer BBQs but oh no it was not to be!

For the Cake

100g butter - you all know your butter must ALWAYS be at room temp right??!!

100g Golden Castor Sugar

1 Large Egg, plus 2 Egg Yolk (keep the whites for the meringue)

85g Self-Raising Flour

25g Pistachios finely ground

2 tbsp milk

For the Meringue

2 large egg whites

100g Caster Sugar

For the Topping

284ml Carton Double Cream, softly whipped
200g Strawberries, hulled (whatever THAT means), sliced or left whole

Set Oven @ 180degrees C/Gas4/Fan Oven 160degrees C

Beat the butter and Sugar together for 3 - 4 minutes until pale and creamy.

Beat in the egg and egg yolks.

Gently stir in the flour and ground nuts alternately with the milk.

Spoon into the 20cm/18" round tin

Make the Meringue

Whisk egg whites until stiff, then whisk in the sugar a couple at a time until smooth and glossy.

Spoon into the tin and spread it . Bake for 45 minutes until the meringue feels crisp (I think this is where I went wrong) Personally I would cover with tinfoil and bake for longer!

Leave in the tin to cool completely, then spoon the cream over the meringue then the strawberries!

At 446 Calories per serving, its not fucking worth it!

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