Butternut Soup

My Boys HEART this soup!! Served with some garlic bread its yummylicious! Enjoy

1 fresh butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cubed
1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 cups of chicken stock
Half a cup cream
1 tsp curry powder
A squirt of Worcestershire sauce
Salt and black pepper

1. Toss the chopped onion and garlic in a pot and sauté, don't burn or caramelise. They must be translucent but still white.
2. Add the peeled butternut and chicken stock and bring to the boil.
3. When the butternut is soft, mash (as in MASH, don't liquidise or pulverise!).
4. Add the other ingredients and stir.
5. Season to taste with salt and pepper


Mothers Day Disaster 102




DEVILS FOOD CAKE - from the Magnolia Bakery cookbook
Ok Ok I know what you thinking "it doesn't look THAT bad" but honestly as I watched it overflow making my oven dirty I wanted to cry!!! Mohapi looked at me like I was crazy! I was throwing a hissy fit!! Poor child, thought his mom was going insane, all he had to say was "WOW"
After I regrouped I scraped what had overflowed into a heap (see pix) and said a few hail marys and an our father for good measure!!!
From disaster to triumph, cake turned out lush!! I used galaxy chocolate in the icing and the cake itself! VERY CALORIFIC!!! THAT'S how I Like It!!! This cake melts in my mouth, I think its to do with the folding in of the beaten egg whites???!!!
VERDICT - SOFT, MOIST HEAVEN!!! (I've been called THAT hehehe) Then I wonder why my booty enters the room 5 minutes after I've entered!!!

Mothers Day Disaster 101



The black stuff are the chocolate chips btw! In its defence Jennifer Apple and Allysa Torey authors of the THE MAGNOLIA BAKERY BOOK do state the following "It's the peanuts that add a bit of crunch and texture to this breakfast and teatime favourite. A healthy treat that's not overly sweet - enjoy" TWO WORDS jump out at me BREAKFAST and HEALTHY!!! I should have steered well away from this recipe anything with peanuts in is a no no in my books remember my Strawberries and cream Meringue Cake !!! Mohapi spat it out and quit frankly I don't blame him! THIS CAKE IS SHIT!! WE DON'T EAT SHIT IN MY HOUSE!!

Happy Mothers Day - UK

The majority of the world celebrates Mothers Day celebrates Mothers Day on the 2nd Sunday in May, so to all the UK mummy's HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!

Now one would think I would not lift a finger on MY special day of rest and pampering, y'all obviously don't live in MY world! The life of a single mummy! I was expecting the usual grunts from my 14 year old, why do they think conversing is no longer necessary because they are hormonal?? Anywhoo my hormonal teen made me a card which read "To My Mother, if someone said to me your mom is the best I would be like "Yah Daym Skippey, Love B'One"" I was/am touched BLESS!! (btw if anyone can translate it would be much appreciated, lololol)) I must admit I would have been seriously pissed off if he'd just done the usual grunting! Mo "bought" mummy some cheapo smellies, notebook and a book marker, can't believe the school managed to buy all that with MY £3!!! I HEART ALL MY GIFTS!!

I digress, this singly mummy attempted baking on Mothers Day BIG MISTAKE!! WHAT A FRIGGEN DISASTER!!!!!! Check out my Mothers Day Disasters in the upcoming posts!!


Cooking, Cocktails, Cock!! What a weekend!

I was told to be ready at 6 sharp. I was ready at 6 sharp, collected and dropped off at the Electric Cinema, best seats in the house, watched Gran Torino EXCELLENT! Clint does it again, how come he was not nominated for an Oscar?? After I was whisked away to a 4 Star restuarant where we were serenanded by a 2 peice band, FAB! Food was FAB, Service 10/10, Company even better and the Cocktails were friggen amazin! I HEART all my prezzies! I've been coveting this book for yonks and I finally got it, Thank you SkyRocket22!!!

Birthday morning kicked off with some Coffee Fudge Cake!!!! By midday there was not even one piece left! I spent my actual BIRTHDAY doing ZERO, I DID IT MY WAY!!! PERFECT!

You are always on my mind!!

SOUF AFICA is always on my mind especially now as the countdown has begun!! 24 days to go and in between I've had loads of nice lil distractions! Its my birthday in a few days time! I can't wait to bask in the glory of being 21! Its amazing! I'm going to spend my 21st baking, cooking, eating and doing sweet FA (Fuck All), just the perfect day to spend MY birthday! I will post pix!
I've also managed to FINALLY complete the new layout of my lounge, I hope to put up BEFORE and DURING pix and to one day, not in the too distant future, to put up AFTER pix, then I will start my next project/s! Project list so far:
1. My Bedroom - That John Reeves bed has my name all over it!
2. Bo's bedroom
3. Mo's bedroom
4. Kitchen
5. Renovations - I hope to build a sun room extension!